Understanding Vystopia: The Vegan’s Emotional Journey in a Non-Vegan World

Introduction Veganism has become more than just a dietary choice; it has evolved into a movement encompassing ethical, environmental, and health considerations. With the ever-increasing number of vegans worldwide, their values often collide with the norms and practices of the non-vegan society. This clash can sometimes lead to an overwhelming emotional experience known as Vystopia. 

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The Case against the Live Export of Pigs

The Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue announced on September 18 that after years of negotiations, Ireland struck a deal with China which would see Ireland exporting sheep meat and live pigs thousands of miles to China. In his announcement, McConalogue described the deal as an “important milestone in gaining access to the Chinese market” and

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A new Life for Mink in Ireland?

Late last year the Animal Health and Welfare and Forestry (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2021 (‘the 2021 Bill’) was introduced, effectively banning farming animals for their fur and skin. The 2021 Bill sets out the guidelines for decommissioning and demolishing mink farms, lists the penalties for farming mink, and describes how the mink farmers will be

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